Freshly victorious from their previous feats, Everand and Boromere’s next adventure is already rising to the surface. While the brothers plan their well-earned retirement, fate has other plans! Viking Brothers 4 floods the scene in an all-new strategic Time Management adventure. Click Play below to watch the trailer.
An Adventure of Mythological Proportions
Loki might get the last laugh, after all! Viking Brothers 4 kicks off with a thunderous tsunami, devastating the land of Midgard and the Viking Brothers’ home. But there’s more to this event than meets the eye. A new challenge is rising to the surface, one the Viking Brothers have never faced before.
Join Everand and Boromere on a journey to repair the land of Midgard, one bridge and one building at a time. But the Viking Brothers are determined. Together, they’ll seek out the cause of the disastrous tsunami. In the process, they’ll discover trials and treasures long-buried on the sea floor, including the revival of a mysterious mythological race.
A New Challenge Rises from the Depths
Guide the bearded brothers in Viking Brothers 4, through lush green pastures and elaborate underwater labyrinths. Armed and ready to fight, Everand and Boromere are about to embark on their greatest adventure yet. Become an honorary Viking and learn as you play with an adaptive tutorial. Vikings from all walks of life are welcome with the option to adjust the game’s difficulty to fit your needs.
Furthermore, Viking Brothers 4 features a gripping story with shocking twists and turns. Meet legendary characters, face formidable foes, and overcome hundreds of challenges spread across dozens of levels. Viking Brothers 4 is seamlessly brought to life through beautiful artwork and animation, promising an unforgettable experience.
Now Available at GameHouse
Become an honorary Viking and gain the favor of the gods.
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