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Swan Walkthrough


Welcome to the Swan walkthrough. Also known as Black Swan, Swan is a hidden object adventure game by Space Monkey International Games. A ballet school’s children have gone missing and dark spirits seem to have taken over the school! Can you solve the mystery? Use this walkthrough for hints, tips and tricks as you work your way through the game.


Tips and Tricks

Opening Screen: Here you’ll find your main options.

  • Play: Starts a new game or continues where you last left off.
    • You will only be allowed to choose your difficulty when you start a new game. Your options are “Casual”, “Adventure” and “Challenge”.
  • Options: Go here to change your visual and sound settings.
  • Credits: Use this to see the hardworking people who worked on the game.
  • Change Player: Use this to select a player profile or to create a new one.


Inventory: Your inventory is located along the bottom of your screen. As you collect items they will be stored here. Click on them once to pick them up and click again to have them interact with objects on the screen.


Diary: As you progress in the game, information will be stored here. Click on the diary to review story you have already progressed through as well as goals.


Map/Quick Travel: Right above your Diary there is a tab that will allow you to see your maps. Use these maps to quickly travel from room to room without having to click through multiple screens. Use the buttons in the upper left corner to switch between maps as you collect new ones.


The Hint Button: Feeling stuck in-game? Use this to get a hint for what to do next. It can be used an unlimited amount of uses, but takes time to recharge.


Your Mirror: Early into the game you will be given a mirror that allows you to travel between the normal and a dark world. When you enter the dark world, you will see glowing symbols floating the air. Click on the matching grey symbols to break through the darkness and free objects from its curse. Here is an example:


Black Swan Dark World Puzzle 01

Black Swan Dark World Puzzle 01

Match 3: You have the option to play Match 3 puzzles instead of hidden object puzzles. To find an item, match 3 tiles together until you are able to move a feather chip to the bottom row. The mask chips will explode and can be used to clear more tiles. Start the Match 3 puzzles by clicking on the Match 3 icon beside your inventory. You can resume the hidden object puzzle at any time.


Swan Walkthrough

Chapter One: Entering the Grounds


Front Gate

  • Look closer at the poster hanging on the wall left of the archway.
    • Click on the poster to rip it. Read the note and collect the Scissors.
  • Go forward and watch the scene.


Front Pathway

  • Watch the scene before going forward again.


Front Door

  • Look closer at the swan flower pot beside the stairs to start a Hidden Object Scene. Collect all the objects on the list. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. When you are finished you will collect a Stone.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 01

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 01

  • Move on to the right.


Swing Garden

  • Move forward.


Swan Dock

  • After watching the scene, look at the bread basket on the lower right. Collect the Bowl of Water from beside it, then look inside the basket.
    • Move the bread and collect the Wood Glue.


Front Door

  • The ghost of a Girl will speak to you and give you a Mirror. You can use your Mirror to switch from the Dark World to the Light World by clicking on it.
  • Click on the Mirror again to return to the Dark World
    • Click on the grey symbols that match the glowing symbols. You will collect two Pieces of Photos before being returned to the light world.


Swing Garden

  • Use your Mirror to enter the Dark World. Match the grey symbols with the glowing ones. You will collect two Pieces of Photos.
  • Look at the bench in the lower right corner to start a Hidden Object Scene. Collect all the objects on the list. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. You’ll collect a Branch when you are done.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 02

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 02

Front Pathway

  • Use your Mirror here to enter the Dark World. Match the grey symbols with the glowing ones. You will collect two Pieces of Photos.
  • Look closer at the statue on the left’s hand.
    • Use the Branch to collect the hanging Key for Mailbox.


Front Gate

  • Use your Mirror to enter the Dark World. Match the grey symbols with the glowing ones. You will collect two Pieces of Photos.
  • Look closer at the mailbox that has been freed of darkness.
    • Use the Key for Mailbox on mailbox and collect the Sealed Letter.


Front Door

  • Look closer at the stool by the door.
    • Place the Sealed Letter here and cut it open with the Scissors. Collect the Mansion Key from inside the envelope and read the note.
  • Look closer at the front door.
    • Use the Pot of Water to cool the handles of the door. Open the door’s lock with the Mansion Key. Go inside.



  • Look closer at the door on the right where there is black smoke.
    • Use the Stone to break the glass, then open the door through the hole. Watch the scene, then go through the door.


Recital Room

  • Look at the fireplace on the right to trigger a Hidden Object Scene. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. Collect all the items and you will collect the jeweled Insect 1/3.

    Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 03

    Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 03

  • Use your Mirror to enter the Dark World. Match the grey symbols with the glowing ones. This will finish the first set of memories and you will be told some of the story.



  • Look closer at the staircase.
    • Collect the Valve from the hole in the stairs.
  • Look closer at the paintings on the wall above the staircase.
    • Collect the Rose 1/6 beside the picture.
  • Open the door on the far left and go inside.



  • There is a Hidden Object Scene in the back right corner. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. Collect all the items and you will collect the Sun Stencil.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 04

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 04

  • Look out the round window on the right.
    • Collect the Swan Figure from the lower left and note that the carousel is now working…!


Front Path

  • Look closer at the carousel top.
    • Place the Sun Stencil into the hole in the gate. Walk through.



  • Watch the scene. Collect the Cake Knife from under the bench.


Front Door

  • Look closer at the flowers in the planter on the lower left side of the screen.
    • Use the Scissors to cut away some of the flowers before using the Cake Knife to dig into the dirt. Collect the Dirty Door Handle.
  • Look at the swan pot beside the stairs to start another Hidden Object Scene. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. Collect the saw from the left.
    • 2. Use the saw to loosen the brick. Collect the handle.
    • 3. Connect the handle to the scythe blade.
    • 4. Cut the bush with the scythe. Collect the figure.
    • 5. Look closer at the round box and place the figure on it. Collect the blade.
    • 6. Cut and collect the vine with the blade.
    • 7. Use the vine on the sticks to make a pair of makeshift tweezers.
    • 8. (a)Collect the stick and the rock. (b)Use the rock to smash in the tree trunk.
    • 9. Look in the hole. Use the stick to shoo away the spider and use the makeshift tweezers to collect the Candy.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 01

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 01


  • Look closer at the plate on the carousel.
    • Use the Candy on the indent in the plate. Collect the Tree Stencil.
    • Click on puzzle to focus on it. Then add the Swan Figure to the puzzle to start it. Move the swans as so to unlock the puzzle:
Black Swan Puzzle 01 Swans

Black Swan Puzzle 01 Swans

  • Collect the Insect 2/3.



  • Use the Tree Stencil on the metal gate door. Go through.



  • Use your Mirror to view the Dark World and click on the grey symbols that match the glowing ones.
  • Open the doors on the lower left to find a Hidden Object Screen. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. Find all the items on the list and you will collect a Floral Stencil.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 05

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 05

  • Collect the Sunflower 1/2 from the middle of the room, then take a closer look at the pipe control in the lower right corner of the room.
    • Use the Valve here on the pipe. Turn it to shut off the steam, then read the note.



  • Take a closer look at the green lamp to look at the desk.
    • Open the desk drawer and collect the Pointer. Read the book on the desk to see a set of names.
  • Look at the case in the back right of the room to start another Hidden Object Scene. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. Collect the two continent pieces and add them to the globe.
    • 2. Look in the drawer that opens and collect the first gryphon medal.
    • 3. (a)Collect the key from the box in the lower left corner, and (b)use it on the clock. Collect the second gryphon piece.
    • 4. Open the jewelry box on the shelf and take the lion head.
    • 5. Look at the closed drawer and place the two gryphon medals on the sides and the lion head in the middle. Take the trophy part from the drawer.
    • 6. Collect the second trophy part from the floor.
    • 7. Look at the lower shelves. Place the trophy parts on the stands. Collect the Insect 3/3.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 02

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 02


  • Take a closer look at the clock face.
    • Place the Insects on the clock face to trigger the puzzle. Position the clock hands and press the center to have insects switch places. Arrange them as so:
Black Swan Puzzle 02 Insect Clock

Black Swan Puzzle 02 Insect Clock

  • When you’re done, you’ll collect the Notes.


Swing Garden

  • Look at the bench again to start another Hidden Object Scene. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. (a)Use the broom to sweep away leaves and (b)find the shovel.
    • 2. Use the shovel to move away the brick and collect the key.
    • 3. Use the key to open the brown box on the bench. Collect the blue pin inside.
    • 4. Collect the seed pile from beside the brown box.
    • 5. Look closely at the hollow on the lower right, where there is a nest and bird. Place the pile of seed on the ground to the left. Collect the note from the nest.
    • 6. Look closer at the briefcase. Use the note on the case before entering the code: Turn the first dial to “1”, the second dial to “0”, the first dial to “5”, the second dial to “6”. Then turn the third dial to “9”, the fourth dial to “4”, the third dial to “9”, and the fourth dial to “3”. Collect the mirror from inside.
    • 7. Break the mirror on the cobblestones on the lower left. Collect the mirror shard.
    • 8. Use the mirror shard to cut open the lining of the briefcase.
    • 9. Open the folder with the pin, then collect the Picture with Fire.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 03

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 03

Recital Room

  • Look closer at the girl trapped in the ring of fire.
    • Use the Picture with Fire on the fire symbol in the floor. Collect the Golden Ring.
  • Look closer at the piano.
    • Place the Notes on the piano to start a memory puzzle. Play these songs to complete it:
Black Swan Puzzle 03 Piano

Black Swan Puzzle 03 Piano

Black Swan Puzzle 04 Piano

Black Swan Puzzle 04 Piano

Black Swan Puzzle 05 Piano

Black Swan Puzzle 05 Piano

  • Collect the Colored Stone 1/2.
  • Take a look at the fireplace on the right side of the room again to start another Hidden Object Scene. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. Break a piece of termite wood off of the wall.
    • 2. Collect the wine bottle(b) and the matches(a).
    • 3. Use the termite wood on the back of the fireplace.
    • 4. Use the wine and the matches on the pile of sticks in the fireplace.
    • 5. Collect the poker and set it in the fire to heat it.
    • 6. Look at the back of the fireplace and use the heated poker to free the figure.
    • 7. (a)Pick up the prying tool and (b)use it on the wall. Pick up the key.
    • 8. Look closer at the doll house and place the figure in the left window. Use the key in the slot on the lower left of the outside of the house.
    • 9. Collect the lockpick sitting at in the front door of the house.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 04

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 04


  • Take a closer look at the locked doors in the back.
    • Use the lockpicks on the door lock. Go through the door.


Dining Room

  • Look closer at the mirror.
    • Try to move the mirror, you will be told it’s blocked.
  • Look closer at the flower vase on the right table.
    • Collect the Rose 2/6.
  • Look under the chair.
    • Use the Scissors to free and collect the Door Handle.



  • Look at the open doors on the left to find another Hidden Object Scene. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. Pick up the dancer figure on the lower right and place it in the slot.
    • 2. Take the knife from the compartment that opens.
    • 3. Use the knife to break the wall behind the dancer figure and collect one of the beetles.
    • 4. Collect the matches and use them on the (a)bug covered in wax and the (b)bug hanging by a string. You will collect them.
    • 5. Place all three bugs in the box. Collect the Girls Profile.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 05

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 05

  • Look closer at the doors to the left of the room.
    • Use the Door Handle to open the doors. Go through.


Rose Garden

  • Use your Mirror to enter the Dark World. Click on the grey symbols that match the glowing ones. You will collect two Pieces of Photos.
  • Collect the Boards from the path on the right.
  • Look at the table to find a Hidden Object Scene. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. Collect all the items and you will collect the Floral Stencils 2/3.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 06

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 06

  • Move forward.


Pond Garden

  • There is a Hidden Object Scene beside the stairs and below the lily pad. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. Collect all the items and you will collect the Diamond.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 07

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 07

  • Collect the Ladder from the back center of the room.


Rose Garden

  • Use the Ladder against the round window to the right.
  • There is another Hidden Object Scene on the table. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. Pick up first half of the pruners from the table(a) and add them to the second half(b).
    • 2. Use the pruners on the rose bush in the lower right corner to find and collect the knife.
    • 3. Look at the sack in the back. Collect the medallion from below it. Then place the plate down and use the knife to cut a hole in the bag. Collect the bird seed.
    • 4. Use the water pitcher to fill the vase halfway. Use the teapot to finish filling the vase. Collect the key part.
    • 5. Look at the back of the chair. Place the medallion in it to start a maze puzzle. Move the medallion along this path.
Black Swan Puzzle 06 Maze

Black Swan Puzzle 06 Maze

  • Place the first key part onto the second.
  • 6. Pull the tarp from the bird cage. Use the key in the slot to free the bird. Collect the Puzzle Pieces from the back of the cage.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 08b

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 08b


  • Look at the staircase closely.
    • Place the Boards on the staircase. You can now go up.


Chapter Two: Dark Forces


Upper Hallway

  • Careful of the glass! Use your Mirror to take a look at the Dark World and match the grey symbols with the glowing ones.
  • Use the Scissors to cut the rope beside the window on the left. This will drop the curtain and save you from the glass.
  • Open the door on the right. Go inside.


Dressing Room

  • Click on the tentacles waving around. You will automatically protect yourself with the mirror.
  • Look closer at what is going on behind the dressing curtain by clicking around the sitting stool.
    • Oh no! Collect the Key from Class from the fallen woman.
  • Go out the door.



  • Collect the Part of Oar from the floor.
  • Look at the table area to start a Hidden Object Scene. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. Collect all the items and you will collect the Ultraviolet Bulb.
  • Look closer at the banister.
    • Collect the Rose 3/6 and the Can.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 09

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 09

Front Pathway

  • Look closer at the stones at the base of the light.
    • Move the brick. Collect the Worms with the

Upper Hallway

  • Look closer at the second door back on the right.
    • Use the Pointer to undo the latch. Go inside.

Childs Room

  • Use your Mirror to look into the Dark World and match the grey symbols to the glowing ones. When you are done you will collect more Pieces of Photograph and unlock another piece of story.
  • Look closer at the wardrobe on the left.
    • Open the door and collect the Ballerina Figurine.
  • There is a Hidden Object Scene in the toy shelves on the right. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. Collect all the items and you will collect the Floral Stencils 3/3.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 10

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 10

Dining Room

  • Go through the door in the back on the right.


  • Take a closer look at the cupboards in the back of the left side of the room.
    • Use the Ballerina Profile in the lock to open the doors.
  • The cupboards are now a Hidden Object Area. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. Collect all the items and you will collect the Vase.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 10b

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 10b

  • Take a closer look at the sink.
    • Open the door under the sink and look inside to trigger a sliding puzzle. Move the pieces to get this image:
Black Swan Puzzle 06 Pipe

Black Swan Puzzle 06 Pipe

  • Turn the water on and fill up the Vase.


Upper Hallway

  • Go forward.

Far Upper Hallway

  • Use the Vase with Water on the fire, then take a closer look at the door on the right.
    • Use the Key from Class to open the door. Go inside.



  • Collect the Hook from the front right of the classroom, then take a closer look at the roses in the far back left.
    • Collect another Rose 4/6
  • Take a closer look at the desk in the back.
    • Collect the Silver Plate from the bench and the Gears from inside the desk.



  • Look at the table area again to find another Hidden Object Scene. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. Take the knife from the table.
    • 2. Use the knife to cut through the stitching in the chair. Collect the hammer.
    • 3. Use the hammer to break the teapot and collect a coin.
    • 4. (a)Collect the bottle of oil from the chair and (b)use it in the heater.
    • 5. (a)Collect the matches. (b)Use them to light the heater.
    • 6. (a)Take the pin from beside the chair and (b)place it in the mannequin body.
    • 7. (a)Collect the mannequin head from the floor. (b)Place it on the body and collect the key.
    • 8. Collect the piece of paper from beside the table on the ground.
    • 9. Use the coin in the robot monkey, then wind him up with the key.
    • 10. Hold the paper over the boiling water.
    • 11. Look closely at the center of the mannequin’s chest. Enter the code you found: 7413. You will collect Puzzle Pieces 2/5.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 06

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 06

Child’s Room

  • There is another Hidden Object Scene in the toy shelves. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. Collect the Knight’s Lance(b) and the Dragon Head(a) from the shelf.
    • 2. Look closely at the toys on the bottom. Give the Knight his lance the dragon his head. Wind up the Knight and collect the coin.
    • 3. Look closely at the Jack in The Box. Use the coin and wind the handle. Collect the slingshot.
    • 4. Use the slingshot on its tether to get a working slingshot.
    • 5. Collect the knife. Use it to pry the stone loose.
    • 6. Use the slingshot on the glass bottle and collect Puzzle Pieces 3/5.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 07

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 07

  • Use the Hook on the window curtain to open it. Take a closer look at the window.
    • Collect the Trowel.



  • Look closer at the sink again.
    • Wash the Dirty Door Handle to create a Rounded Door Handle.
  • Look at the cupboards on the back left again to trigger a Hidden Object Scene. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. (a)Collect the missing teacup and (b)place it on the empty plate in the set. The tea set will rotate so you can collect the key.
    • 2. Use the key on the box and collect the Baking Soda.
    • 3. (a)Collect the vinegar bottle and use both it and the baking soda on the bottle on the top shelf(b). You’ll get a corkscrew bolt.
    • 4. (a)Collect the bottle of glue and use both it and the corkscrew bolt on the shelf(b).
    • 5. (a)Collect the spoon and (b)use it to unscrew the hinge. Collect the string that falls out.
    • 6. (a)Collect the fuel and (b)the matches. (c)Use them both on the burner.
    • 7. (a)Collect the jar of sticky stuff. (b)Place it on the burner, then dip the string inside.
    • 8. Use the sticky string to collect the corkscrew top from the pitcher.
    • 9. Combine the corkscrew bolt with the corkscrew top. Collect the completed corkscrew.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 08

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 08

  • Look closer at the refrigerator.
    • Use the Corkscrew to open the bottle. You’ll collect the Rose 5/6.


Upper Hallway

  • Look closer at the third door on the right.
    • Use the Rounded Door Handle with the slot. Go inside.


Flower Bedroom

  • Take a closer look at the mirror. A cutscene will trigger. Look at the mirror again.
    • Collect the Coin from the lower right corner of the mirror.
  • Take a closer look at the area with the flowers on the mirror to find a light switch.
    • Flip the switches.
  • Take a closer look under the stool.
    • Collect the Plafond from the floor. Then use the Trowel to lift up the floorboards and collect the Film Reel.
  • Look closer at the shoes in front of the bed.
    • Collect the Puzzle Pieces 4/5.
  • Look closer at the lap on the table.
    • Use the Ultra-Violet Bulb in the lamp, followed by the Ceiling Light.
  • Look at the picture in the frame above the lamp to trigger a puzzle.
    • Put all the pieces together to rebuild the image. Right click to rotate the pieces. You’ll be given a new map, but you cannot go there yet.
Black Swan Puzzle 07 Swan Puzzle

Black Swan Puzzle 07 Swan Puzzle

Pond Garden

  • Look beside the stairs and below the lily pad again to find another Hidden Object Scene. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. Collect the oil can and handle.
    • 2. Look closer at the pond. Collect the file.
    • 3. In the empty space, combine the file with the handle to create a filing tool.
    • 4. Use the filing tool to lift up the center plate. Oil the fish food container inside.
    • 5. Look at the pond again. Use the fish food on the water. Your fish friend will be so happy that he will bring you a Ring. Click on him to collect it.
    • 6. (a)Collect the scissors from the main screen. (b)Look at the pond again and cut the big leaf. The flower will bloom. Click on it to collect the Gold Chain.
    • 7. When you are done, the Diamond will combine with the Ring to make a completed Diamond Ring.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 09

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 09

Rose Garden

  • Take a closer look at the round window.
    • Use the Diamond Ring on the glass to cut a hole. Climb through.


Window Room

  • There is a Hidden Object Scene in the tea set. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. Collect all the items and you will collect the Wooden Hand.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 11

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 11

  • Look closer at the bookshelf on the left.
    • Pull the red book to open a secret compartment. Collect the Vinyl Record.
  • Look closer at the dresser on the upper right.
    • Use the Flower Stencils to unlock the drawer. Open it and collect the Apple 1/2.



  • Look at the book sitting on the bench.
    • Use the Coin to open the lock. Look at the drawing pulled from the book, then look at the page to get the Picture with Ballerinas. Looking at this picture from your inventory will put it on the screen.
    • Use the Scissors to cut out both Ballerinas.


Swing Garden

  • Look closer at the golden box on the left on the path.
    • Place the Ballerinas in the box to unlock it. Collect the last of the Puzzle Pieces from inside the box.
  • Use the Can of Worms on the grass. The bird will fly down and drop a Medallion 1/2 you should collect.
  • Use the Wood Glue on the oar piece sitting in the lawn, then attach the Part of Oar to it. Collect the


Dressing Room

  • Use the Film Reel on the film projector on the left. Click on the projector again to collect the Zippo Lighter.



  • Look closer at the desk.
    • Place the Puzzle Pieces on the board to trigger a puzzle. Move the “1” and “2” switch to the row and column you would like to rotate, then pull the lever. Your end goal in a picture that looks like this:
Black Swan Puzzle 08 Fountain Puzzle

Black Swan Puzzle 08 Fountain Puzzle

  • The lake fountains will turn off.

Swan Dock

  • Use the Oar on the boat, then climb inside.


Swan Boat

  • Use your Mirror to go to the Dark World. Match the grey symbols to the glowing ones.
  • Move forward. There will be a Hidden Object Area on the Swan Boat in front of you. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. Collect all the items and you will collect the
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 12

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 12

  • Take a closer look at the water to the left of the boat.
    • Use the Magnet to pull the Medallion 2/2 from the water.


Window Room

  • Look at the tea set again to trigger a Hidden Object Scene. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. (a)Collect the hot mitt and (b)use it to lift up the tea pot. It reveals a note: 4761.
    • 2. Use this code to open the black box on the back shelf. Collect the Lion Knocker and the Swan figure.
    • 3. (a)Collect another swan figure from the cup and the floor on the left, then (b)use the lion knocker on the drawer to open it. Collect the box of matches and sharpener from the drawer.
    • 4. Use the sharpener on the knife before collecting it.
    • 5. Cut the box in the back open with the knife to collect another swan figure.
    • 6. (a)Collect the candle and (b)place it in the holder. Light it with a match and collect it.
    • 7. Open up the cupboard in the back and use the candle to light it. Collect the swan figure.
    • 8. Flip over the cup to collect the key.
    • 9. Look at the box in the back. Use the swan figures and the key to open it. Collect the Curtain.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 10

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 10

  • Use the Curtain with the hole in the floor to climb down.



  • Look in the globe and talk to the child.
  • Look closer at the record player.
    • Place the Vinyl Record on the record player, then turn the crank. Collect the Apple 2/2 from the secret compartment.


Pond Garden

  • Look closer at the fishing pole.
    • Use the Magnet on String on the pole to create a finished Fishing Pole.
  • Look closer at the pond.
    • Use the Fishing Pole to collect the Sunflower 2/2 from the pond.


Swan Boat

  • Move forward to go towards the other swan boat. There is a Hidden Object Scene here. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. (a)Take the hook. (b)Use it to grab the boat. You’ll collect the cork.
    • 2. Use the cork to plug the plate. Use the plate to bail out water from the boat.
    • 3. (a)Collect the handle and (b)add it to the rake to make a tool.
    • 4. Pull the moss off the chest.
    • 5. (a)Collect the pliers and (b)use it to break open the chest.
    • 6. (a)Collect the letters, (b)use the knife to pull the D up.
    • 7. Look at the lock. Use the letters in the slots. Collect the Mosaic Disc 2/2.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 11

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 11

  • Returning with the swan boat takes you to a new location.



  • Use your Mirror to enter the Dark World and match the grey symbols with the glowing ones to collect Pieces of Photos.
  • Collect the Boat Hook from underneath the tree.
  • Look closer at the lamp hanging above.
    • Open up the lantern. Use your Zippo Lighter to light inside.
  • There is now a Hidden Object Area in the opening of the statue. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. Collect all the items and you will collect the Gears 2/3.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 13

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 13


  • Look over the railing.
    • Use the Boat Hook to pull up the doll, then us the Scissors to free her of the tap. You’ll collect the Doll.


  • Look closer at the globe with the girl in it.
    • Use the Wooden Arm to break the glass and free the girl.
    • Give the Doll to the girl. She will realize she is a ghost and be freed.



  • There is a Hidden Object Scene here at the base of the statue. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. (a)Collect the Cattail reed and (b)use it near the Statue’s head to get the water symbol.
    • 2. (a)Placing the Water Symbol into the slot will cause the statue to cry into the watering can. (b)Collect the watering can.
    • 3. (a)Water the wilted flower to attract lightening bugs. (b)Collect the jar and use it to collect the bugs.
    • 4. Collect the little bag on the right.
    • 5. (a)Pick up the handle and (b)use it on the rake head to collect a rake.
    • 6. Look inside the statue and use the Lightening Bug Jar to light the area. You woke somebody up!
    • 7. Use seed pouch to feed the swan, then use the rake to get the trowel from behind.
    • 8. Use the trowel to move the rock. Collect the Rose 6/6.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 12

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 12

Dressing Room

  • Look closer at the portrait of the girl on the wall.
    • Place the Gold Chain, Medallion and Roses on the portrait. A clue will be shown of the letter “A”.
  • Look closer at the desk in the back of the room.
    • Use the Mosaic Disc 2/2 on the box to trigger a puzzle. Slide the puzzle pieces until they form this image:
Black Swan Puzzle 09 Letter Puzzle

Black Swan Puzzle 09 Letter Puzzle

  • Collect the Mold from inside the box.


Rose Garden

  • Look closer at the table.
    • Place the Silver Plate over the candle, then place the Gold Ring on the plate to melt it.
    • Place the Mold on the table. It will be filled with gold, creating the Gear 3/3.


Far Upper Hallway

  • Look closer at the lock.
    • Use the Gears to start the puzzle. Lift the lockpick and tap on the first, second and fourth slots to open it.

Storage Room

  • Use your Mirror to enter the Dark World. Match the gray symbols with the glowing ones. You’ll see another part of the story.
  • Look closer at the flower pot in the back window.
    • Click on the flower pot to knock it out of the window.



  • Take a closer look at where the pot fell.
    • Collect the Beetle. It’s a key!
  • Look closer at the bottom of the clock.
    • Use the Beetle here on the lock. Collect the Sun Key.


Recital Room

  • Look closer at the sun on the floor in the back.
    • Use the Sun Key to find a puzzle. Use the Sunflowers to start it.
    • You need to place the flowers in the slots. Click on (1) until (2) falls into place. Then click on (3) until (4) falls into place. Then click on (2) until both remaining fall into place.
Black Swan Puzzle 10 Sunflower Puzzle

Black Swan Puzzle 10 Sunflower Puzzle

  • A door will open. Go through.


Chapter Three: The Mirror World


Mirror Rehearsal Room

  • What a strange place! Walk to the right.


Fish Hallway

  • There is a Hidden Object Scene here on the fish. Collect all the listed items to collect an Empty Whiskey Bottle.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 14

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 14

  • Go forward.


Childs Room

  • Look closer at the book on the floor by the chair.
    • Collect the Paper from Album.


Fish Hallway

  • There is another Hidden Object Scene here on the fish. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. (a)Collect the brick. (b)Look closer at the mirror in the back and throw the brick at it. Collect the key.
    • 2. (a)Collect the piece of picture from the shelf, then (b)look at the picture on the wall. Add the piece to the picture and collect the first gem.
    • 3. (a)Open up the purse to find a needle. (b)Use the needle to pop the balloon and collect the walnut.
    • 4. Pull the rope to drop down a cage with a nutcracker in it. Use the key to unlock the door, then use the nutcracker to open the walnut. Collect the hook.
    • 5. (a)Use the hook on the line to make a hook on a line. (b)Collect the hammer.
    • 6. Look at the floor on the right. Smash the wood floor twice, then use the hook and line to collect the little bag. Collect the second hem from it.
    • 7. Place the gem in the fish’s eyes to collect the Dagger.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 13

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 13


  • Look at the bookshelf on the far right.
    • Move the black book and collect the Tablet from behind it.
  • Look closer at the desk.
    • Collect the Tabaco Pipe.


Fish Hallway

  • Go to the right.


Fan Room

  • Look closer at the painting on the wall.
    • Use the Dagger to cut through the painting and find a door. Go through the door.


Throne Room

  • There is a Hidden Object Scene on the throne. Collect all the items listed to get a fresh pair of Scissors.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 15

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 15

  • Go to the right.


Theater Dressing Room

  • There is a Hidden Object Scene on the chair towards the front. Some items are changed by the darkness and you will have to wait for them to appear again. Some items will be randomized. Collect all the items and you will collect the lever.
Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 16

Black Swan Hidden Object Screen 16

  • Collect the Garland Ball 1/3 from the dressing table.


Throne Room

  • There is another Hidden Object Scene here on the throne. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. Tip over the boots to the find the blue token.
    • 2. (a)Collect the crown token. Now look closer at the table on the left(b). Use the blue token in the slot and the crown token on the board. Collect the key.
    • 3. Look at the box on the throne. Use the key to open it and collect the first coin.
    • 4. (a)Click on the cookie three times to eat it, then collect the napkin. (b)Use the napkin to wipe the blade of the knife and collect it.
    • 5. Use the knife to cut open the box. Collect the coin from the center.
    • 6. Put the coins in the penguin bank. It will break open. Collect the first note.
    • 7. Open the purse and take the box from it. Collect the cards with the box, then take the second part of the code.
    • 8. Use the code on the phone, then open the drawer in the throne. Collect the Ballerina.

      Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 14

      Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 14

Childs Room

  • Collect the Pillow from the corner.


Mirror Recital Room

  • Take a closer look at the living stool.
    • Give the living stool the Pillow to chew on while you collect the
  • Take a closer look at the mannequins.
    • Cut the dress with the Scissors and use the Corkscrew in the cork. Use the Empty Whiskey Bottle to collect the whiskey, creating the Whiskey Bottle.

Theater Dressing Room

  • Look closer at the stand with the ballerinas on it. Add the Ballerina you collected to it to trigger a puzzle. Use the switches to light the candles and move them around the board to match the photograph.
Black Swan Puzzle 11 Dancer Puzzle

Black Swan Puzzle 11 Dancer Puzzle

  • There is another Hidden Object Scene on the desk. Match the shadows to objects in the scene and use them as tools to solve the puzzle.
    • 1. (a)Collect the blade and (b)use it to cut open the seat and find a key.
    • 2. Look closer at the floor. Use the key in the slot, then turn the switch that is found.
    • 3. Take the gems from (a)the owl’s eye and (b)the doll. Use them in (c)the owl’s face to unlock a chamber with a key.
    • 4. Look closer at the lockbox on the wall. Use the key to unlock it and collect the lightbulb.
    • 5. Look at the vanity mirror. Use the lightbulb in the empty socket. Click on the lightbulbs to switch their places. Put them in order from “1” in the lower left corner to 12 in the lower right.
    • 6. Collect the tube from over the top of the mirror and then look inside the vanity. Add the tube to the slot. Now, press the tubes in this order: Blue, Green, Purple, Red, Orange, Yellow. Collect the key.
    • 7. Use the key on the box on the desk. Collect the Comb.
Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 15

Black Swan Hidden Object Puzzle 15

  • Go forward.



  • Collect the Garland Ball 2/3 from the stairs, then use the Lever in the slot on the wall to make the dancers go away. Go downstairs.


Prop Room

  • Collect the Garland Ball 3/3 from the chair and hand all three Garland Balls on the tree.
  • Look closer at the tree’s right side.
    • Collect the Box Key by using the Scissors to cut the ribbon.
  • Look closely at the floor.
    • Use the Chalk on the floor to make a doorway. Go through.


Snow Room

  • Look closer at the tree with the snake.
    • Use your Apples on the tree to trigger a puzzle. Switch the apples around until you have this solution:
Black Swan Puzzle 12 Snake Puzzle

Black Swan Puzzle 12 Snake Puzzle

  • Collect the scroll from the snake.


Childs Room

  • Look closer at the box under the bed.
    • Use the Box Key on the box and take the Pencils.
  • Look closer at the doll.
    • Give the doll the Tablet, Paper, and Pencils. She will draw.
  • Look closer at the rocking horse.
    • Use the Comb on the horse’s mane. Collect the Necklace from his mouth.


Fireplace Room

  • Take a closer look at the fireplace.
    • Add the Scroll, Necklace, and Pipe to the bowl then pour your Bottle of Whiskey over them. Use the Zippo Lighter to burn the objects.
  • Your mission is almost done! Use the Ballerina Figure to shatter the darkness infected glass, causing the dark spirit to come out!


Congratulations! You’ve beaten Black Swan!


This Swan walkthrough is meant as a guide and does not contain cheats, hacks, or serials.


The post Swan Walkthrough appeared first on GameHouse.

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