Infographic: Study Shows that Facebook Gamers are a Mother Load
Article by Matt Hulett, reposted with permission from
Moms. Throughout history mothers seem to never get enough credit, yet as eloquently said by President Theodore Roosevelt, “for upon her time and strength demands are made not only every hour of the day, but often every hour of the night.”
President Roosevelt made that statement in a speech in 1905 but more than a century later, any comment can put “mommy wars” in the news as evidenced by the firestorm that democratic strategist Hilary Rosen created when she commented that Ann Romney “has never worked a day in her life.”
So, as the political season heats up and presidential candidates fight for womens’ votes, we found that moms – working and stay and home – frequently escape into the world of online games. A recent study with Harris Interactive found that 68% of moms who worked found time to play video games, compared to only 30 percent of homemakers. And for GameHouse, we could care less if they are working or stay-at-home moms–we’re just happy busy moms have an escape. The survey also found that moms are playing games at least four to six times per week to escape from life’s never-ending demands. It might seem nominal to hardcore gamers who spend countless hours on their Xbox 360, but moms seem to get plenty of satisfaction from a brief getaway on a computer screen playing social games like Collapse! Blast and Bayou Blast.
In fact, the study found that more than 45 percent of moms say that playing fun, casual video games make them happier and feel smarter. And Facebook games seem to be the favorite among women with children, especially in the Southern parts of the U.S. Twice as many moms play Facebook games than games on their mobile phone or tablet, the study reported.
So when do these busy moms find the time to login and play social games? Of those surveyed, about 60 percent of moms said they played games after the kids were tucked into bed or after 8 p.m. Nearly half (45 percent) of these moms had children between the ages of 13-17.
And don’t be quick to think these moms are giving up any other activities like working out, meeting with friends or having sex. More than 80 percent of moms indicated that they socialize with friends online and offline, the study claimed. And the passion for playing games seems to spark some passion in the bedroom. About 61 percent of moms who play games reported that they have sex at least one time per week–more than moms who don’t play video games.
As we approach Mother’s Day, here’s what we at GameHouse know (and what I know as a father and husband to a working mom) – no good mother should be discredited for their work inside and outside the home.
Moms are often the first ones to wake up, and the last to go to bed. They wipe runny noses, change diapers, pack school lunches, track soccer practice, music lessons, and doctor appointments, and often that happens before many of them head into office.
But we know that all work and no play can make anyone grouchy. Moms deserve some much-needed downtime, and instead of turning to nail parlors or the ladies bridge clubs which were popular in past generations — moms today are turning to online games.
So attention dads and kids! For Mother’s Day, you might want to skip the perfume and consider giving mom Facebook Credits so that she can relieve some stress and take a mental break. Then, we have to ask Hilary Rosen and Ann Romney – “Do you game?”
Matt Hulett is the chief gamer of GameHouse, the games division of RealNetworks. He is a serial entrepreneur who has successfully built profitable companies from scratch and has a proven track record of growing businesses throughout a variety of stages, including startups and turnarounds from travel, e-commerce, advertising, and gaming sectors. Follow him on Twitter at @matt_hulett.